22 NOVEMBER 2024



Based on the program of the educational organization APAC Ltd, recognized by the organization PTI / PTUK. Aimed at professionals.

This program is the first major training step in play therapy. Successful completion of this program leads to the award of the title Certified Practitioner in Therapeutic Play Skills and inclusion on the PTUK / PTI Directory of Play Therapists and Creative Arts. Those on this list, if working in the UK, are fully accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). See the list here.

The program is clinically accredited by PTUK and PTI
It is the only training program to offer such a high level of certification, including for the trainees within it. It is also the only program where those trained in it are fully certified as professionals. That is, they are certified as a separate specialty.

Addressed to:

The program is aimed at professionals who have at least two years of professional experience with children and hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, including:

Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Child Psychiatrists, Pediatricians, Counselors, Psychotherapists, Sociologists, Social Workers, Teachers, Professors, Kindergarten Teachers, Special Educators, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists.


This program is designed to:

• Enrich your career and professional skills
• Get listed as a Certified Practitioner in Therapeutic Play Skills on the list of play and Creative Arts therapists who are accredited to work in the UK by the Professional Standards authority
• Increase your satisfaction with your work with children
• Give you the skills to help children with emotional difficulties
• Give you the skills to relieve children with mental health problems and behavioral problems.
• Equip you with the appropriate skills, as defined by the PTI in the Profession Structure Model, to work individually with children with mild to moderate problems (see here)
• To offer you personal development.


Children’s lives today are very constrained and regulated by adults. Non-directive Play Therapy offers the child the opportunity to make choices and take responsibility for them, to express themselves freely, to experience absolute unconditional acceptance and respect, and to fully embrace their deepest feelings. For these reasons, the children’s play is not interpreted or criticized.

This freedom can only be effective in a strong context. For this reason, the adult assumes responsibility for the safety of the child, himself, and the environment. Within these safety constraints, the child has complete freedom of choice. Time limits are also considered important as they provide a sense of security by defining the beginning and end of a session. In this way, time takes on a different dimension in a session and the child’s imagination is free to explore and represent their experiences and create their own world.

However, there are cases where the non-directive approach needs to be complemented by other approaches. For example, in cases of terminal illness, grief, children with diffuse developmental disorders in care facilities, or limited time for working, etc.

In this program the basic tools of the play therapy toolkit are taught and implemented.


The ultimate goal of the program is to enable participants to practice safely and successfully using therapeutic play skills in a variety of contexts and to provide emotional support in their individual work with children who have mild or moderate problems. Upon successful completion of the program, each participant will have gained:

• A strong understanding of the principles at Play Therapy and the correct application of the Play Therapy Tool kit.
• Practical skills to deliver individual sessions through therapeutic play with children.
• The ability to assess children’s needs and organize the provision of an appropriate environment for therapeutic play
• An understanding and appreciation of ethics and ethical issues
• Increased confidence in the use of therapeutic play with children and adolescents.
• Therapeutic and practical counseling skills to deliver therapeutic play
• Awareness of own processes, self-knowledge and personal development
• Theoretical knowledge of developmental psychology, and
• Structure of the program


Participants will learn about roles and responsibilities in the therapeutic relationship by working with other members of the program. There will be theoretical instruction, but as little as absolutely necessary.

Learning will be experiential and collaborative in pairs, groups, role-play and case presentations. Home reading and other homework will provide new information and help consolidate the experiential work done over the three days. The work can be discussed in the group over the next three days. An integral part of the training is practice with clients and its supervision.

Description of the modules of the educational program

(Order and content may vary depending on the group)

Module 1: Presentation of the Program – Starting to Work Therapeutically with Children – Therapeutic Continuum – Creative Vision – Preparing our Practice
Module 2: Music Skills in Individual Work with Children – Attachment Theory
Module 3: Therapeutic History and Glove Puppet Skills While Working Individually with Children – Comparison of Theoretical Models of Developmental Psychology
Module 4: Skills and Play in Individual Work with Children and Related Theory – The Use of Natural Materials – Child Development Theory – Art Therapy for Individual Sessions
Module 5: Dance and Movement Skills While Working Individually with Children – Student Presentations – Closure: Successful Therapy Termination.


• 15 days of physical presence – completed either in a 15-day intensive or in 5 three-day courses.
• 9 months from the start of the program – for submission of academic work.
• 20 Months from start of program – for completion of clinical work and 100 hours of supervised practice.


Upon successful completion of the program, the title is awarded:
Post Graduate Certificate of Therapeutic Play Skills
Corresponding to 60 “M” credits.

This is followed by the next level, that of the Diploma, which leads to the award of Play Therapist qualifications.


The dates of the program in Athens are:

1st three-day block: 22, 23 and 24 November 2024
2nd three-day block: 31 January, 01 and 02 February 2025
3rd three-day block: 21, 22 and 23 March 2025
4th three-day block: 16, 17 and 18 May 2025 and
5th three-day block: 04, 05 and 06 July 2025

The schedule of the program is:

Friday: 10:00 – 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Limited Seats, registration will be on first come-first serve basis.

Nellie Boukouvala

Certified Play Therapist
Accredited Course Director for APAC Ltd and member of the academic team of Leeds Beckett University
Certified Supervisor with Play and Creative Arts

Contact numbers: +30 210  7796100, +30 6985577627,


22 NOVEMBER 2024


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23 NOVEMBER 2024


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